
Making the Most of BrainHQ in Your Library

BrainHQ partners with Demco—the premier provider of library supplies, equipment, and software—to bring BrainHQ to libraries and their patrons. This page offers resources to learn more about BrainHQ and help you be successful with the program at your library.

Special: Coronavirus Messaging

At this time, libraries across the US are finding ways to remind patrons of free online resources available to keep them engaged and learning from home. We’ve put together a set of templates and other resources to use if you’d like to remind them about BrainHQ.

Our CEO, Dr. Henry Mahncke, made a video about how to keep your brain healthy during these challenging times. Feel free to share it with patrons!

Reminding patrons about BrainHQ in social media posts can be a useful way to get the news out.

Here is a sample post to use:

Did you know that as a library patron, you have free access to BrainHQ—the only online brain training program backed by 140+ research studies—from the comfort of your own home? Grab your library card and PIN and register for your account at “yourURLgoeshere”!

Several libraries switching to online services have issued local press releases to encourage patrons to access their free BrainHQ resource—a great way to reach patrons with updates on online offerings.

Interested in reminding your patrons about BrainHQ via email?

Getting Started

If your library hasn’t yet purchased BrainHQ, you can learn more about the program and request pricing and other information from Demco’s website.

Once your library has purchased BrainHQ, two things happen to get you up and running.

First, your library’s website will be updated to add a page that allows patrons to log in to BrainHQ. For patrons, logging in will be similar to checking out an e-book. At log in, they will need their library card or username to gain access to the program. They can use BrainHQ on any computer or handheld device.

Second, we will create a portal unique to your library that allows you to track patron usage. The people identified as BrainHQ administrators at your library will get an email with directions on accessing and using the portal. If you’d like to be added as an administrator at your library, please contact Demco.

Here are some resources to help you implement BrainHQ in your library.

What is BrainHQ?
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Founders Story
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Founder’s Story
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A Brain Training Program Your Community Needs During the Pandemic
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Promoting BrainHQ to Patrons

Press Release Template

It’s a good idea to put out a press release announcing your library’s new relationship with BrainHQ. This template can provide a starting point.

BrainHQ Trifold

To provide your patrons with a wealth of information on BrainHQ, download and print this trifold. Use the blank space on the back to include your library’s website information. (Fits labels 1 1/2 inches x 3 inches or smaller.) Then put copies at your checkout desk or wherever else your patrons find information about your materials.


For a useful giveaway, download and print bookmarks that give basic information about BrainHQ and provide a space for your library’s website information. (Fits labels 3 inches x 1 1/2 inches or smaller.) Put them at the checkout counter or insert them in books as patrons take them home.

Learn More about BrainHQ – Information & Tutorials for Libraries

The Science of BrainHQ
Find in-depth information on the scientific basis of BrainHQ and well as the 100+ research papers that have been published on the program’s efficacy. Learn more

The BrainHQ Exercises
BrainHQ’s exercises work out attention, memory, brain speed, intelligence, people skills, and navigation. Learn about each exercise, its scientific design, and its targeted cognitive skills. Includes text and short video tutorials. Learn more

Visit Our YouTube Channel
There is an ever-growing library of videos about our work on YouTube.

Keep in Touch!

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Posit Science sends out a monthly newsletter with news about BrainHQ’s new features, completed studies on BrainHQ exercises, general interest articles on brain health, and book recommendations. Sign up now

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Reach out with any questions or comments and our customer service team will help you out. Ask us anything!

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